

For Sundays and Feasts

After the Dismissal of the Ninth Hour the Priest and Deacon, having made a metania to the Bishop's stall, venerated the icons and bowed to the two Choirs, enter the Sanctuary by the side doors.

They make three bows to the Holy Table and the Priest kisses the Holy Table and the Gospel.

Then, vested in the Epitrachelion, he opens the curtain of the Holy Doors and, standing uncovered in front of the Holy Table, gives the blessing as follows:



Blessed is our God, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Ahimidiwe Mungu wetu, daima, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.

Then the Superior, or the appointed person, reads the Opening Psalm, one of the ''Gerontika'', as follows:

Superior or Reader


Come, let us worship and fall down before the King, our God.

Njooni, tumwinamie na tumsujudu Mungu mfalme wetu.

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, the King, our God.

Njooni, tumwinamie na tumsujudu Kristo yu Mungu mfalme wetu.

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ himself, the King, our God.

Njooni, tumwinamie na tumsujudu yeye, Kristo aliye mfalme na Mungu wetu.

Psalm 103.

Zaburi ya 103 (104).

Bless the Lord, my soul! O Lord my God, you have been greatly magnified. You have clothed yourself with thanksgiving and majesty, wrapping yourself in light as a cloak, stretching out the heavens like a curtain, roofing his upper chambers with waters, placing clouds as his steps, walking on the wings of the wind, making winds his messengers and flames of fire his ministers, establishing the earth on its sure base; it will not totter to age on age. The deep, like a cloak, is its covering; waters will stand upon the mountains. At your rebuke they will flee; they will quail at the voice of your thunder. Mountains ascend and plains descend to the place that you established for them. You fixed a limit that they will not pass, nor will they return to cover the earth, sending out springs in the valleys; waters will run between the mountains. They will give drink to all the beasts of the field; the wild asses will await them to quench their thirst. Beside them the birds of the air will make their dwelling: from among the rocks they will utter their song. He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the earth will be filled from the fruit of your works. He makes grass spring up for the cattle, and green shoots for the service of mankind; to bring bread out of the earth, and wine makes glad the human heart; to make the face cheerful with oil, and bread strengthens the human heart. The trees of the plain will be satisfied, the cedars of Lebanon that you planted. There the sparrows will build their nests; the heron’s dwelling is at their head. The high mountains are for the deer; a rocks a refuge for hares. He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knew the hour of its setting. You appointed darkness, and it was night, in which all the beasts of the forest will prowl; young lions roaring to plunder and to seek their food from God. The sun rose and they were gathered together and they will lie down in their dens. Man will go out to his labour; and to his labouring until evening. How your works have been magnified, O Lord. With wisdom you have made them all, and the earth has been filled with your creation. There is the sea, great and wide; in it there are creeping things without number, living creatures small and great. There ships go to and fro; this dragon which you fashioned to sport in it. All things look to you to give them their food in due season. When you give it them, they will gather it. When you open your hand all things will be filled with goodness. But when you turn away your face they will be troubled. You will take away their spirit, and they will perish and return to their dust. You will send forth your spirit, and they will be created, and you will renew the face of the earth. May the glory of the Lord endure to the ages. The Lord will rejoice at his works, He that looks upon the earth and makes it tremble. He that touches the mountains, and they smoke. I shall sing to the Lord while I live; I shall chant to my God while I exist. May my meditation be pleasing to him; as for me, I shall rejoice in the Lord. May sinners perish from the earth, and the wicked, so that they are no more. Bless the Lord, my soul!

Ee nafsi yangu, umhimidi Bwana. Wewe, Bwana, Mungu wangu, umejifanya mkuu sana; umejivika heshima na adhama. Umejivika nuru kama vazi; umezitandika mbingu kama pazia; na kuziweka nguzo za orofa zake majini. Huyafanya mawingu kuwa gari lake, na kwenda juu ya mabawa ya upepo, huwafanya malaika zake kuwa pepo, na watumishi wake kuwa moto wa miali. Uliiweka nchi juu ya misingi yake, isitikisike milele. Uliifunika kwa vilindi kama kwa vazi, maji yalikuwa yakisimama juu ya milima. Kwa kukemea kwako yakakimbia, kwa sauti ya radi yako yakaenda zake kasi, yakapanda milima, yakatelemka mabondeni, mpaka mahali ulipoyatengeneza. Umeweka mpaka yasiupite, wala yasirudi kuifunikiza nchi. Hupeleka chemchemi katika mabonde; zapita kati ya milima; zamnywesha kila mnyama wa kondeni; punda mwitu huzima kiu yao. Kandokando hukaa ndege wa angani; kati ya matawi hutoa sauti zao. Huinywesha milima toka orofa zake; nchi imeshiba mazao ya kazi zako. Huyameesha majani kwa makundi, na maboga kwa matumizi ya mwanadamu; ili atoe chakula katika nchi, na divai imfurahishe mtu moyo wake. Aung''aze uso wake kwa mafuta, na mkate umburudishe mtu moyo wake. Miti ya Bwana nayo imeshiba, mierezi ya Lebanoni aliyoipanda. Ndimo ndege wafanyamo vitundu vyao, na korongo, misunobari ni nyumba yake. Milima mirefu ndiko waliko mbuzi wa mwitu, na magenge ni kimbilio la wibari. Aliufanya mwezi kwa ajili ya nyakati, jua latambua kuchwa kwake. Wewe hufanya giza, kukawa usiku, ndipo atambaapo kila mnyama wa mwitu. Wana-simba hunguruma wakitaka mawindo, ili kutafuta chakula chao kwa Mungu. Jua lachomoza, wanakwenda zao, na kujilaza mapangoni mwao. Mwanadamu atoka kwenda zake kazini, na kwenye utumishi wake mpaka jioni. Ee Bwana, jinsi yalivyo mengi matendo yako! Kwa hekima umevifanya vyote pia. Dunia imejaa mali zako. Bahari iko kule, kubwa na upana, ndimo mlimo viendavyo visivyohesabika, viumbe hai vidogo kwa vikubwa. Ndimo zipitamo merikebu, ndimo alimo lewiathani uliyemwumba acheze humo. Hao wote wanakungoja Wewe, uwape chakula chao kwa wakati wake. Wewe huwapa, wao wanakiokota; Wewe waukunjua mkono wako, wao wanashiba mema; Wewe wauficha uso wako, wao wanafadhaika; waiondoa pumzi yao, wanakufa, na kuyarudia mavumbi yao. Waipeleka roho yako, wanaumbwa, nawe waufanya upya uso wa nchi. Utukufu wa Bwana na udumu milele; Bwana na ayafurahie matendo yake. Aitazama nchi, inatetemeka; aigusa milima, inatoka moshi. Nitamwimbia Bwana maadamu ninaishi; nitamshangilia Mungu wangu nikiwa hai; kutafakari kwangu na kuwe kutamu kwake; mimi nitamfurahia Bwana. Wenye dhambi waangamizwe katika nchi, watendao ubaya wasiwepo tena. Ee nafsi yangu, umhimidi Bwana.

The sun knew the hour of its setting. You appointed darkness, and it was night.

Jua latambua kuchwa kwake; Wewe hufanya giza kukawa usiku,

How your works have been magnified, O Lord. With wisdom you have made them all. [EL]

Ee Bwana, jinsi yalivyo mengi matendo yako! Kwa hekima umevifanya vyote pia. [[SWA]]

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu. Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to you, O God. (three times).

Alleluia, Alleluia, a|leluia. Utukufu kwako, Ee Mungu. (3)

Matumaini yetu, Ee Bwana, utukufu kwako.

Prayers at the Lighting of the Lamps

While the Opening Psalm is being read the Priest, bareheaded and standing in front of the Holy Table, says quietly the Prayers at the Lighting of the Lamps,

(Wakati msomaji anapoanza kusoma zaburi 104, kasisi akisimama mbele ya Meza takatifu anasoma maombi haya kwa sauti ya chini,

PRIEST (inaudibly)


1st Prayer

Ombi la kwanza.Tumwombe Bwaba, Bwana hurumia.

O Lord, compassionate and merciful, long-suffering and full of mercy, listen to our prayer and attend to the voice of our supplication. Make for us a sign for good. Guide us in your way, to walk in your truth. Make glad our hearts to fear your holy Name, because you are great and do wondrous things. You alone are God, and there is none like you, O Lord, among gods: powerful in mercy and loving in strength to help and to console and to save all who hope in your holy Name. [EL]

Tumwombe Bwana, Bwana hurumiaEe Bwana, mvumilivu, mwenye huruma nyingi na mpenda wanadamu yasikie sala zetu na utege sikio lako kwa sauti ya maombi yetu. Imarisha agano jema kwetu; ma utuongoze tuishi kwa ukweli wako. Furahisha mioyo yetu tulitii jina lako takatifu; u mkubwa na mtenda maajabu, Mungu wa pekee na hakuna mungu mwingine kama Wewe, Ee Bwana; wa fadhili na wa uwezo unayetusaidia, kutegemeza na kuwaokoa wanaotumaini jina lako takatifu. Kwa kuwa utukufu, heshima na usujudu ni haki yako, ya Baba na Mwanaa na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milelel na milelel. Amina.. [[SWA]]

For to you belong all glory, honour and worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. [EL] Amen.


2nd Prayer

Lord, do not rebuke us in your anger, nor chastise us in your wrath, but deal with us in accordance with your kindness, physician and healer of our souls. Guide us to the harbour of your will. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts to the knowledge of your truth and grant that the rest of the present day and the whole time of our life may be peaceful and without sin, at the prayers of the holy Mother of God and of all the Saints. [EL]

Tumwombe Bwana, Bwana hurumia Ee Bwana usitukemee na kutuadhibu kwa hasira yako, bali utupe kwa kadiri ya upole wako uliye mganga na mponyaji wa Roho zetu. UTuongoze kwenye kimbilio la nia yako na kuangaza mioyo yetu kujua ukweli walo. Tena, utujalie usiku huu na siku zote za maisha yetu ziwe za amani, bila dhambi, kwa maombi ya mzazi Mungu mtakatifu na ya watakatifu wote. Kwa kuwa utawala ni wako na ufalme na nguvu na utukufu ni vyako, vya Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. [[SWA]]

For yours is the might, and yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. [EL] Amen.


3rd Prayer

Lord our God, remember us, sinners and your unprofitable servants, as we call upon your holy Name, and do not put us to shame from the expectation of your mercy, but graciously grant us, Lord, all the requests that are for salvation, and count us worthy to love and to fear you from our whole heart, and in all things to do your will. [EL]

Ee Bwana Mungu wetu, utukumbuke sisi watumishi wako wenye dhambi wasiofaa tutajapo jina lako takatifu na tuwekapo tumaini letu kwa rehema yako, bali utujalie kwa yale yote tunayokuomba kwa ajili ya wokovu wetu, Ee Bwana; utufanye wafaao kukupenda na kukuogopa kwa mioyo yetu yote na kumarisha nia yako kwa vitu vyote. Kwa kuwa u Mwenye rhema na mpenda wanadamu na kwako tunatoa utukufu kwa Baba na MWana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina. [[SWA]]

For you, O God, are good and love mankind, and to you we give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. [EL] Amen.


4th Prayer

O Lord, who are praised by the holy Powers with never silent hymns and unceasing songs of glory, fill our mouth with your praise to give majesty to your holy Name, and give us a part and an inheritance with all who fear you in truth and who keep your commandments, at the prayers of the holy Mother of God and of all your Saints. [EL]

Ewe, unayesifiwa kwa nguvu takatifu, kwa nyimbo za utukufu zisizo kuwa na mwisho, ujaze vinywa vyetu na utukufu wako ili tulihimidi jina lako takatifu; na utuunganishe na utupe urithi pamoja nao wakuogopao katika ukweli na wanaotunza amri zako; kwa maombi ya mtakatifu Mzazi Mungu na watakatifu wako, kwa kuwa wastahili wote, heshima na usjudu ni haki yako, ya Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina. [[SWA]]

For to you belong all glory, honour and worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. [EL] Amen.


5th Prayer

Lord, Lord, who uphold the universe by your immaculate hand, who are long-suffering towards us all and who repent of evils, remember your acts of compassion and your mercy. Visit us in your loving kindness and grant that for the rest of the present day we may escape the manifold wiles of the evil one, and, by the grace of your All-holy Spirit, keep our life free from assault. [EL]

Ee Bwana, Ee Bwana ushikaye vitu vyote katika kiganja chako kisicho na doa, mvumilivu pamoja sisi sote na unayehuzunika na kubadirsha maamuzi kwa maovu yetu, kumbuka rehema zako na huruma zako, utembelee na ukarimu wako,; na utujalie tuepuke usiku huu wote katika mawazo mabaya ya muovu na tunza maisha yetu bila shambulio lolote kwa rehema ya roho yako takatifu kam ili. Na huruma na Upendo kwa mwandamu wa Mwana wako wa pekee pamoja naye unahimidiwa, pamoja na utakatifu wote na Roho mwema na mpaji wa uhai, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milelel. Amina, [[SWA]]

By the mercy and love for mankind of your Only-begotten Son, with whom you are blessed, together with your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. [EL] Amen.


6th Prayer

O God, great and wonderful, who order the universe with inexpressible loving-kindness and rich providence; who have granted us also the blessings of this world and brought us near to the promised Kingdom through the blessings that have been bestowed on us already; who have made us turn aside from every evil during that part of the present day which is now over, grant us also to complete what remains without blame in the presence of your holy glory, as we sing your praise, who alone are our God, good and the Lover of mankind. [EL]

Ee Mungu, mtukufu wa ajabu, unaye ongoza ulimwengu na wema wako usio erezeka na ulinzi tele, uliye tupatia mema yote ya dunia na uliye turidhia ufalme ulio tuahidi kwa mema yaote ulio tujalia; wewe uliye tuwezesha kwenda mbali na maovu kwa kipindi cha siku kilichopita, utujalie tuwe bila dhambi kwa wakati uliosalia mbele ya utukufu wako mtakatifu, tukutuze Mungu wetu pekee mwema na mpenda wanadamu. Kwa kuwa U Mungu wetu na kwako tunatoa utukufu kwa Baba na wana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina. [[SWA]]

For you are our God and to you we give glory, to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. [EL] Amen.


7th Prayer

Great and most high God, who alone possess immortality, who dwell in unapproachable light, who fashioned all creation with wisdom, who made the separation between the light and the darkness and who placed the sun to have authority over the day and the moon and the stars to have authority over the night, who have counted us sinners worthy even at this present hour to come into your presence with confession and thanksgiving and to offer you our evening hymn of glory; do you, O Lord who love mankind, direct our prayer like incense before you and accept it as a savour of sweet fragrance. Grant us that the present evening and the coming night may be peaceful, clothe us with weapons of light, deliver us from every night-time fear and from every deed that walks in darkness. And give us sleep, which you have bestowed on us for our rest in our weakness, freed from every fantasy of the devil. Yes, Master of all things, giver of blessings, may we also be filled with compunction on our beds and call to mind your Name in the night, and enlightened by meditation on your commandments may we rise with gladness of soul to give glory to your loving-kindness, as we bring to your compassion supplications and entreaties on behalf of our own sins and those of all your people. At the prayers of the holy Mother of God visit them with mercy. [EL]

Ee Mungu mtukufu na aliye huu, uliye pekee asiyekufa, unayeishi kwa mwanga usiyofikika; uliyeumba vitu vyote kwa hekima ; uliye gawanya mwanga na giza nakuweka jua kutawala mchana, na mwezi na nyota kutawala usiku; uliyetujalia sisi wenye dhambi kufikia uso wako wakati huu katika kutubu na kukutolea shukrani za maombi ya jioni; wee, Bwana mpenda wanadamu, elekeza maombi yetu yapae kwako kama uvumba na yakubali kama manukato ya kupendeza. Na jioni hii na usiku ujao uwe wa amani, utuvike siraha ya mwanga; utuokoe kutoka kila ogofya la siku na kutoka kila kinacho tembea gizani. na utupatie usingizi, ulio tujalia kupumzishakutoka magojwa yetu, tuwe huru kutoka mawazo maovu.Ndiyo, Ee Bwana mutawala, wa vitu vyote unaye tujaliaa mema, ili, tunapolla vitandani mwetu tukumbuke jina lako wakati wa usiku, na tukiwa tumeangazwa na amri zako, tuamke na kukutukuza wema na roho ya furaha, kwa kutoa sala na maombi kwa upendo wako kwa ajili ya dhambi zetu na kwa ajili ya watu wako, watu ambao unawatembelea kwa rehema, kwa utetezi wa mtakatifu Mzazi Mungu kwa U Mungu mwema na mpenda wanadamu na kwako tunatoa utukufu kwa Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina, [[SWA]]

For you, O God, are good and love mankind, and to you we give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. [EL] Amen.


When the Opening Psalm is completed the Priest, in front of the Holy Table, or the Deacon in his usual place outside the Holy Doors, says the Litany of Peace.

Litany of Peace.



In peace, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa amani, tumwombe Bwana.

PEOPLE And so after each petition.


Lord, have mercy.

Bwana, hurumia.



For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya amani kutoka juu na ya wokovu wa roho zetu, tumwombe Bwana.

For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy Churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya amani ya dunia yote, na kusimama imara kwa Ekklesia Takatifu ya Mungu, na ya umoja wa wote, tumwombe Bwana.

For this holy house, and for those who enter it with faith, reverence and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya nyumba hii takatifu na waingiamo kwa imani, heshima na kumcha Mungu, tumwombe Bwana.

For all devout and Orthodox Christians, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya wakristo wateule na waorthodoksi wote, tumwombe Bwana.

For our Bishop (or Archbishop) (name) for the honoured order of presbyters, for the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya Askofu wetu mkuu Askofu wetu mkuu (jina) Makasisi, Mashemasi wateule na watu wote tumwombe Bwana.

For our nation (name), the President (name), civil authorities and armed forces, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya taifa letu (jina) na raisi wetu (jina), na viongozi wetu, na wa majeshi wapendao dini, tumwombe Bwana.

For this city, for every city, town and village, and for the faithful who dwell in them, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya mji huu na miji yote na nchi zote na waishimo kwa imani, tumwombe Bwana.

For favourable weather, an abundance of the fruits of the earth, and temperate seasons, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya majira mema ya mwaka kupata mvua ya kutosha na hewa safi na rotuba ya kutosha kwa ardhi, tumwombe Bwana.

For those who travel by land, air or water, for the sick, the suffering, for those in captivity, and for their safety and salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya wasafiri hewani juu, baharini majini, na nchini kavu, wachoshwa na mateka kupata uhuru, na kwa ajili ya wokovu wao, tumwombe Bwana.

For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger and constraint, let us pray to the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya kuokolewa kwa kila sitikiko, ghadhabu, hatari na uhitaji, tumwombe Bwana.

Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by your grace.

Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.

Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

Tumkumbuke Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, Mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu mzazi Mungu na bikira daima pamoja na watakatifu wote hata sisi pia wenyewe na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.

To you, O Lord.

Kwako, Ee Bwana.



For to you belong all glory, honour and worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Kwa kuwa utukufu wote na heshima na usujudu ni haki yako, ya Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.





After the Litany, except on the Feasts of the Lord, the appointed Kathisma of the Psalter is read by one Reader.

First Kathisma


Psalm 1.

Zaburi ya 1.

Of David. Untitled in the Hebrew.

Blessed in the man who has not walked in the council of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat on the seat of the pestilent. But his will is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he will meditate day and night. He will be like a tree that has been planted beside streams of water, which will give its fruit in its season, and its leaf will not fall; and whatever he does will prosper. Not so the ungodly, not so; but they are like the chaff that the wind blows away from the face of the earth. Therefore the ungodly will not rise in judgment, nor sinners in the council of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly will perish.

Heri mtu yule asiyekwenda katika shauri la wasio haki; wala hakusimama katika njia ya wakosaji; wala hakuketi barazani pa wenye mizaha. Bali sheria ya BWANA ndiyo impendezayo; na sheria yake huitafakari mchana na usiku. Naye atakuwa kama mti uliopandwa kandokando ya vijito vya maji, uzaao matunda yake kwa majira yake, wala jani lake halinyauki; na kila alitendalo litafanikiwa. Sivyo walivyo wasio haki; hao ni kama makapi yapeperushwayo na upepo. Kwa hiyo wasio haki hawatasimama hukumuni, wala wakosaji katika kusanyiko la wenye haki. Kwa kuwa BWANA anaijua njia ya wenye haki, bali njia ya wasio haki itapotea.

Psalm 2.

Zaburi ya 2.

A Psalm of David.

Why were the nations insolent and why did the peoples meditate vain things? The kings of the earth stood up and the rulers were assembled together against the Lord and against his Christ. ‘Let us break through their bonds and cast away their yoke from us.’ He that dwells in heaven will laugh them to scorn and the Lord will mock them. Then he will speak to them in his anger and panic them in his fury. But I was established as king by him, on Sion his holy mountain announcing the Lord’s decree: The Lord said to me, ‘You are my Son. Today I have begotten you. Ask me, and I shall give you nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your possession. You will shepherd them with an iron rod; like a potter’s vessels you will smash them.’ And now, kings, understand; be corrected, all who judge the earth. Serve the Lord in fear and rejoice in him with trembling. Accept correction, lest the Lord be angry, and you perish from the right way whenever his fury is suddenly kindled. Blessed are all who have put their trust in him.

Mbona mataifa wanafanya ghasia, na makabila wanatafakari ubatili? Wafalme wa dunia wanajipanga, na wakuu wanafanya shauri pamoja, juu ya BWANA, na juu ya masihi wake, Na tuvipasue vifungo vyao, na kuzitupia mbali nasi kamba zao. Yeye aketiye mbinguni anacheka, Bwana anawafanyia dhihaka. Ndipo atakaposema nao kwa hasira yake, na kuwafadhaisha kwa ghadhabu yake. Nami nimemweka mfalme wangu juu ya Sayuni, mlima wangu mtakatifu. Nitaihubiri amri; BWANA aliniambia, Ndiwe mwanangu, Mimi leo nimekuzaa. Uniombe, nami nitakupa mataifa kuwa urithi wako, na miisho ya dunia kuwa milki yako. Utawaponda kwa fimbo ya chuma, na kuwavunja kama chombo cha mfinyanzi. Na sasa, enyi wafalme, fanyeni akili, enyi waamuzi wa dunia, mwadibiwe. Mtumikieni BWANA kwa kicho, shangilieni kwa kutetemeka. Shikeni yaliyo bora, asije akafanya hasira nanyi mkapotea njiani, kwa kuwa hasira yake itawaka upesi; heri wote wanaomkimbilia.

Psalm 3.

Zaburi 3.

A Psalm of David, when he fled from his son Absalom in the wilderness.

Lord, why have those who afflict me been multiplied? Many rise up against me. Many say to my soul, ‘There is no salvation for him in his God.’ But you, Lord, are my protector, my glory, and the one who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice and he heard me from his holy mountain. I lay down and slept; I have been roused, because the Lord will protect me. I shall not be afraid of tens of thousands of people who attack me from every side. Arise, Lord; save me, my God, because you have struck all who are vainly my foes, you have smashed the teeth of sinners. Salvation is the Lord’s, and your blessing is upon your people.

BWANA, watesi wangu wamezidi kuwa wengi, ni wengi wanaonishambulia. Ni wengi wanaoiambia nafsi yangu, Hana wokovu huyu kwa Mungu. Na Wewe, BWANA, U ngao yangu pande zote, utukufu wangu na mwinua kichwa changu. Kwa sauti yangu namwita BWANA naye aniitikia toka mlima wake mtakatifu. Nalijilaza nikalala usingizi, nikaamka, kwa kuwa BWANA ananitegemeza. Sitayaogopa makumi elfu ya watu, waliojipanga juu yangu pande zote. BWANA, uinuke, Mungu wangu, uniokoe, maana umewagiga taya adui zangu wote; umewavunja meno wasio haki. Wokovu una BWANA, baraka yako na iwe juu ya watu wako.



Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu.



Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Glory to you, O God. (three times).

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Utukufu kwako, Ee Mungu. (3)

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Bwana hurumia, Bwana hurumia, Bwana hurumia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu.



Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Psalm 4.

Zaburi ya 4.

To the end. In hymns. A Psalm of David.

Answer me when I call, O God of my justice. when I was in trouble you set me at large; have pity on me and hear my prayer. Children of men, how long will you be heavy-hearted? Why do you love vanity and seek falsehood? Know too that the Lord has made his Holy One wonderful. When I call to the Lord: He will hear me. Be angry, and do not sin; for what you say in your hearts, feel compunction on your beds. Sacrifice a sacrifice of righteousness and hope in the Lord. Many say: Who will show us good things? The light of your countenance has been signed upon us, O Lord. You have given joy to my heart; from the fruit of their wheat, wine and oil they have been filled. I shall lie down in peace and sleep at once; because you alone, Lord, have made me dwell in hope.

Ee Mungu wa haki yangu uniitikie niitapo; umenifanyizia nafasi wakati wa shida; unifadhili na kuisikia sala yangu. Enyi wanadamu, hata lini utukufu wangu utafedheka? Je! Mtapenda ubatili na kutafuta uongo? Bali jueni ya kuwa BWANA amejiteulia mtauwa; BWANA atasikia nimwitapo. Mwe na hofu wala umsitende dhambi; tafakarini vitandani mwenu na kutulia. Toeni dhabihu za haki, na kumtumaini BWANA. Wengi husema, Nani atakeyetuonyesha mema? BWANA, utuinulie nuru ya uso wako. Umenitia furaha moyoni mwangu, kupita yao wanapozidishiwa nafaka na divai. Katika amani nitajilaza na kupata usingizi mara, maana Wewe, BWANA, peke yako, ndiwe unijaliaye kukaa salama.

Psalm 5.

Zaburi ya 5.

To the end: for her that inherits: a Psalm of David.

Give ear to my words, O Lord, understand my cry. Attend to the voice of my supplication, my King and my God; for to you I shall pray, O Lord. In the morning you will hear my voice, in the morning I shall stand before you and you will watch over me, because you are not a God who wills iniquity. One who does evil will not dwell with you, nor will the lawless remain before your eyes. You have hated all who work iniquity; you will destroy all who speak falsehood. The Lord abhors a man of bloodshed and deceit. But I in the multitude of your mercy will enter your house, I will bow down towards your holy temple in fear of you. Lord, guide me in your justice because of my foes, make my way straight before you. Because truth is not in their mouth; their heart is vain. Their throat is a opened tomb, they have deceived with their tongues: judge them, O God. Let them fall through their counsels, cast them out in accordance with the multitude of their impious deeds, because they have provoked you, O Lord. And let all who hope on you be glad in you; they will rejoice forever, and you will dwell in them, and all those who love your name will boast in you, because you will bless the just. O Lord, as with a shield of good pleasure you have crowned us.

Ee BWANA, uyasikilize maneno yangu, ukuangalia kutafakari kwangu. Uisikie sauti ya kilio changu, Ee Mfalme wangu na Mungu wangu, kwa maana Wewe ndiwe nikuombaye. BWANA, asubuhi utaisikia sauti yangu, asubuhi nitakupangia dua yangu na kutazamia. Maana huwi Mungu apendezwaye na ubaya; mtu mwovu hatakaa kwako. Wajivunao hawatasimama mbele za macho yako; unawachukia wote watendao ubatili. Utawaharibu wasemao uongo; BWANA humzira mwuaji na mwenye hila. Bali mimi, kwa wingi wa fadhili zako, nitaingia nyumbani mwako; na kusujudu kwa kicho, nikilielekea hekalu lako takatifu. BWANA, uniongoze kwa haki yako, kwa sababu yao wananaonitea. Uisawazishe njia yako mbele ya uso wangu, maana vinywani mwao hamna uaminifu; mtima wao ni shimo tupu, koo lao ni kaburi wazi, ulimi wao hujipendekeza. Wewe, Mungu, uwapatilize, na waanguke kwa mashauri yao. Uwatoe nje kwa ajili ya wingi wa makosa yao. Kwa maana wamekuasi Wewe. Nao wote wanaokukimbilia watafurahi; watapiga daima kelele za furaha. Kwa kuwa Wewe unawahifadhi, walipendao jina lako watakufurahia. Kwa maana Wewe utambariki mwenye haki; BWANA, utamzungushia radhi kama ngao.

Psalm 6.

Zaburi ya 6.

To the end. In hymns, for the eighth. A Psalm of David.

O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, nor chastise me in your wrath. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am weak; heal me for my bones have been troubled and my soul exceedingly troubled; but you, Lord, how long? Turn back, O Lord, deliver my soul; save me for your mercy’s sake. For in death no one remembers you, and in Hell who will confess you? I have toiled in my groaning, every night I shall wash my bed and drench my couch with my tears. My eye has been troubled through anger, I have grown old among all my foes. Depart from me all you evil doers, for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication, the Lord has accepted my prayer. Let all my enemies be ashamed and greatly troubled, let them be turned back and speedily be utterly ashamed.

BWANA, usinikemee kwa hasira yako, wala usinirudi kwa ghadhabu yako. BWANA, unifadhili, maana ninanyauka; BWANA, uniponye, mifupa yangu imefadhaika. Na nafsi yangu imefadhaika sana; na Wewe, BWANA, hata lini? BWANA urudi, uniopoe nafsi yangu, uniokoe kwa ajili ya fadhili zako. Maana mautini hapana kumbukumbu lako; katika kuzimu ni nani atakayekushukuru? Nimechoka kwa kuugua kwangu; kila usiku nakieleza kitanda changu; nalilowesha godoro langu kwa machozi yangu. Jicho langu limeharibika kwa masumbufu, na kuchakaa kwa sababu yao wanaoniudhi. Ondokeni kwangu, ninyi nyote mtendao uovu; kwa kuwa BWANA ameisikia sauti ya kilio changu. BWANA ameisikia dua yangu; BWANA atakayetakabali maombi yangu. Adui zangu wote wataaibika na kufadhaika, watarudi nyuma, kwa ghafula wataaibika.



Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu.



Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Glory to you, O God. (three times).

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Utukufu kwako, Ee Mungu. (3)

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Bwana hurumia, Bwana hurumia, Bwana hurumia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu.



Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Psalm 7.

Zaburi ya 7.

A Psalm of David, which he sang to the Lord about the words of Chusi the son of Jemeni.

O Lord my God I have hoped in you; save me from all those who persecute me and deliver me. Lest he ever seize me soul like a lion, when there is none to deliver me or save me. O Lord my God, if I have done this, if there is injustice in my hands; if I have repaid with evils those who repaid me, let me fall empty before my foes. Let the foe pursue my soul and seize it, trample down my life and make my glory dwell down there in the dust. Arise, Lord, in your anger, be exalted in the furthest boundaries of your foes. Rise up, O Lord my God, by the decree which you commanded, and an assembly of peoples will surround you, and for this return on high. The Lord will judge peoples. Judge me, Lord, according to my justice and according to the innocence that is in me. Let the evil of sinners be brought to an end and you will keep the just straight, O God the searcher of hearts and reins. Just my help from God, who saves the upright of heart. God is a judge, just and strong and patient, not producing anger every day. If you do not return he will burnish his sword, he has drawn and prepared his bow. And on it he has prepared the instruments of death, he has made ready his arrows for those who are burning. Behold he has been in labour with injustice, he has conceived toil and given birth to iniquity. He has dug a pit and scooped it out, and he will fall into the hole which he has made. His toil will return upon his own head and his injustice will come down upon his crown. I will give thanks to the Lord in accordance with his justice and I will sing to the name of the Lord Most High.

BWANA, Mungu wangu, nimekukimbilia Wewe, uniokoe na wote wanaonifuatia, uniponye. Asije akaipapura nafsi yangu kama simba, akiivunja-vunja pasipokuwa na wa kuponya. BWANA, Mungu wangu, ikiwa nimetenda haya, ikiwa mna uovu mikononi mwangu, ikiwa nimemlipa mabaya yeye aliyekaa kwangu salama; (hasha! Nimemponya yeye aliyekuwa mtesi wangu bila sababu;) basi adui na anifuatie, na kuikamata nafsi yangu; naam, aukanyage uzima wangu, na kuulaza utukufu wangu mavumbini. BWANA uondoke kwa hasira yako; ujiinue juu ya jeuri ya watesi wangu; uamke kwa ajili yangu; umeamuru hukumu. Kusanyiko la mataifa na likuzunguke, na juu yake uketi utawale. BWANA atawaamua mataifa, BWANA, unihukumu mimi, kwa kadiri ya haki yangu, sawasawa na unyofu nilio nao. Ubaya wao wasio haki na ukome, lakini umthibitishe mwenye haki. Kwa maana mjaribu mioyo na viuno ndiye Mungu aliye mwenye haki. Ngao yangu ina Mungu, awaokoaye wanyofu wa moyo. Mungu ni mwamuzi mwenye haki, naam, Mungu aghadhibikaye kila siku. Mtu asiporejea ataunoa upanga wake; ameupinda uta wake na kuuweka tayari; Naye amemtengenezea silaha za kufisha, akifanya mishale yake kuwa ya moto. Tazama, huyu ana utungu wa uovu, amechukua mimba ya madhara, amezaa uongo. Amechimba shimo, amelichimba chini sana, akatumbukia katika handaki aliyoifanya. Madhara yake yatamrejea kichwani pake; na dhulumu yake itamshukia utosini. Nitamshukuru BWANA kwa kadiri ya haki yake; nitaliimbia jina la BWANA aliye juu.

Psalm 8.

Zaburi ya 8.

To the end; for the wine vats; a Psalm of David.

O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth! For your majesty is raised up above the heavens. From the mouth of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise, because of your enemies, to destroy the enemy and the avenger. For I will look at the heavens the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you fixed. What is man that you remember him? Or a son of man that you visit him? You have made him a little less than the Angels; you have crowned him with glory and honour, and set him over the works of your hands. You have subjected all things under his feet, sheep and all cattle and even all the beasts of the field the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, all that pass through the paths of the sea. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth!

Wewe, MUNGU, Bwana wetu, jinsi lilivyo tukufu jina lako dunia mwote! Wewe umeuweka utukufu wako mbinguni; vinywani mwa watoto wachanga na wanyonao umeiweka misingi ya nguvu; kwa sababu yao wanaoshindana nawe; uwakomeshe adui na mijilipiza kisasi. Nikiziangalia mbingu zako, kazi ya vidole vyako, mwezi na nyota ulizoziratibisha; mtu ni kitu gani hata umkumbuke, na binadamu hata umwangalie? Umemfanya mdogo punde kuliko Mungu; umemvika taji ya utukufu na heshima; umemtawaza juu ya kazi za mikono yako; umevitia vitu vyote chini ya miguu yake. Kondoo, na ng''ombe wote pia; naam, na wanyama wa kondeni; ndege wa angani, na samaki wa baharini; na kila kipitacho njia ya baharini. Wewe, MUNGU, Bwana wetu, jinsi lilivyo tukufu jina lako duniani mwote!



Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu.

Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Glory to you, O God. (three times).

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Utukufu kwako, Ee Mungu. (3)

Short Litany




Again and again in peace, let us pray to the Lord.

Tena na tena kwa amani, tumwombe Bwana.

( Lord, have mercy. )

( Bwana, hurumia. )

Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by your grace.

Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.

( Lord, have mercy. )

( Bwana, hurumia. )

Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

Tumkumbuke Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, Mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu mzazi Mungu na bikira daima pamoja na watakatifu wote hata sisi pia wenyewe na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.

( To you, O Lord. )

( Kwako, Ee Bwana. )



For yours is the might, and yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Kwa kuwa, utawala ni kwako na ufalme na uweza, na utukufu ni vyako, Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.

( Amen. )

( Amina. )

Then we begin Lord, I have cried in the appropriate tone, while the Deacon censes the Sanctuary and the whole Church. If the Priest has to cense he does so vested in the Phelonion and Epitrachelion. He blesses the incense with the words, Blessed is our God, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. He censes the holy Table from the four sides and the whole sanctuary. Then coming out by the north door he censes the holy icons (x3), the people and the whole church in the customary manner and returns to the sanctuary by the south door.

Ahimidiwe Mungu wetu, daima, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.

Psalm 140.

Zaburi ya 140 (141).

Ee Bwana nimekuita, unijie hima, unijie hima, Bwana. Ee Bwana nimekuita, unijie hima, uisikie sauti ya kilio changu, uisikie sauti yangu nikuitapo, Bwana. [[SWA]]

Sala yangu ipae mbele zako kama uvumba, Kuinuliwa mikono yangu kama dhabihu ya jioni; unijie hima, Bwana. . [[SWA]]

Set a guard, O Lord, on my mouth, and a strong door about my lips.

Ee BWANA, uweke mlinzi kinywani pangu, mngojezi mlangoni pa midomo yangu.

Do not incline my heart to evil words; to make excuses for my sins.

Usiuelekeze moyo wangu kunako jambo baya, nisiyazoelee matendo yasiyofaa,

With those who work iniquity, let me not unite with their elect.

pamoja na watu watendao maovu; wala nisile vyakula vyao vya anasa.

The just will chastise me with mercy and reprove me; but let not the oil of sinners anoint my head.

Mwenye haki na anipige, itakuwa fadhili; anikemee, itakuwa kama mafuta kichwani; kichwa changu kisikatae,

For yet my prayer shall be in their pleasures; their judges have been swallowed up near the rock.

maana siachi kusali kati ya mabaya yao. Makadhi yao wakiangushwa kando ya genge,

They will hear my words for they are sweet. As a clod of earth is crushed upon the ground, their bones have been scattered at the mouth of Hell.

watayasikia maneno yangu, maana ni matamu. Kama kupasua kuni na kuzichanja juu ya nchi, ndivyo ilivyo mifupa yetu mdomoni pa kuzimu.

For my eyes look to you, O Lord, my Lord. I have hoped in you, do not take away my soul.

Macho yangu yanakuelekea Wewe, MUNGU Bwana, nimekukimbilia Wewe, usiniache nafsi yangu.

Keep me from the snare that they have hidden for me, and from the traps of evil-doers.

Unilinde na mtego walionitegea, na matanzi yao watendao maovu.

The sinners will fall into their own net. I am alone until I pass by.

Wabaya na waanguke katika nyavu zao wenyewe, pindi mimi ninapopita salama.

Psalm 141.

Zaburi ya 141 (142).

With my voice I cried to the Lord. With my voice I entreated the Lord.

Kwa sauti yangu nitamlilia BWANA, kwa sauti yangu nitamwomba BWANA dua.

I will pour out my entreaty before him, and tell him all my trouble.

Nitafunua mbele zake malalamiko yangu, shida yangu nitaitangaza mbele zake.

When my spirit was faint, you knew my path.

Nilipozimia roho uliyajua mapito yangu;

In the way where I walked they had hidden a snare for me.

katika njia niendayo wamenifichia mtego.

I looked to my right hand and saw, but there was none who knew me.

Utazame mkono wa kuume ukaone, kwa maana sina mtu anijuaye.

Escape is gone from me, and there is none who seeks for my soul.

Makimbilio yamenipotea, hakuna wa kunitunza roho.

I cried to you, Lord, I said, ‘You are my hope; my portion in the land of the living.’

BWANA, nimekuita nikasema, Ndiwe kimbilio langu, fungu langu katika nchi ya walio hai.

Give heed to my supplication, for I am brought very low.

Ukisikilize kilio changu, kwa maana nimedhilika sana.

Deliver me from those who persecute me, for they are too strong for me.

Uniponye nao wanaonifuatia, kwa maana wao ni hodari kuliko mimi.

For 10 Verses, or Stichera [On Saturday evening].

For 8 Verses [Always at a full Vigil].

Psalm 129.

Zaburi ya 129 (130).

Ee Bwana, toka vilindini nimekulilia; Bwana, [[SWA]]

For 6 Verses.

6. If you, Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who will stand? But there is forgiveness with you. [EL]

BWANA, kama Wewe ungehesabu maovu, Ee Bwana, nani angesimama? Lakini kwako kuna msamaha, [ili Wewe uogopwe]. [[SWA]]

5. For your name’s sake I have waited for you, O Lord. My soul has waited on your word. My soul has hoped in the Lord. [EL]

Nimemngoja BWANA, roho yangu imengoja, na neno lake nimelitumainia. Nafsi yangu inamngoja Bwana, [[SWA]]

For 4 Verses.

Kutoka makesha ya asubuhi hadi usiku, [[SWA]]

Maana kwa Bwana kuna fadhili, na kwake [[SWA]]

Psalm 116.

Zaburi ya 116 (117).

Msifuni Bwana enyi mataifa yote, msifuni [[SWA]]

Maana fadhili zake zimo juu yetu milele, na [[SWA]]

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu. Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

During the Doxastikon or Theotokion, which on Saturday evening is always the first of the Tone, the Priest, vested in the Phelonion, and the Deacon make the Entrance with the censer. The Priest blesses the incense as above. They come out through the north door, the Deacon leading, and stop opposite the Holy Doors. The Deacon says,



Let us pray to the Lord.

Tumwombe Bwana.

The Priest bows his head and says, in a low voice, the

Prayer of the Entrance

Ombi la Kuingia.



At evening, at morning and at midday we praise, bless and give thanks, and we pray to you, Master of all things, Lord who love mankind: Direct our prayer before you like incense, and do not incline our hearts to words or thoughts of evil, but deliver us from all that hunt down our souls. For our eyes look to you, O Lord, our Lord, and we have hoped in you.

Jioni, asubuhi na adhuhuri twakusifu, twakuhimidi, twakushukuru na twakuomba, Ee Rabi wa wote, Bwana mpenda wanadamu. Elekeza maombi yetu mbele zako kama uvumba, na mioyo yetu isipotoshwe kwenye maneno namafikira maovu, utuokoe kwa kila jaribio rohoni mwetu; kwa kuwa macho yetu yaelekea kwako ewe Bwana na tumekukimbilia wewe, usituambishe, Ee Mungu wetu, (kwa sauti):Kwa kuwa utukufu wote na heshima na usujudu ni haki yako, Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtaktifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.

For to you belong all glory, honour and worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Kwa kuwa utukufu wote na heshima na usujudu ni haki yako, ya Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.

Then the Deacon says:



Master, bless the holy entrance.

Ee padri, bariki kuingia kutakatifu.

And the Priest blesses the Entrance with the words:



Blessed is the entrance of your holy ones, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.





The Deacon censes the holy icons and the People and waits for the end of the troparion. When it is finished, he raises the censer, making the sign of the Cross, and exclaims:

Wisdom. Stand upright.

Hekima. Simameni wima.

And they enter the sanctuary through the Holy Doors, the one with the censer censing the holy Table.

And we sing

Thanksgiving at the Lighting of the Lamps.

An ancient poem, or, as some say, by the martyr Athenogenes.

O joyful Light of the holy glory of the immortal, heavenly, holy, blessed Father, O Jesus Christ. Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and see the evening light, we sing the praise of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is right at all times to hymn you with holy voices, Son of God, giver of life. Therefore the world glorifies you. [EL]

We Nuru ya furaha ya utukufu mtakatifu, ya Baba usiyekufa, wa mbinguni, mtakatifu, mhimidiwa, Yesu Kristo! Tukiwa tumefika wakati wa kuchwa kwa jua na kuona mwanga wa jioni tunamwimbia Baba, Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu Mungu. Ni wajibu wakati wote usifiwe kwa sauti safi, Ee Mwana wa Mungu, mpaji wa uhai; kwa hivyo dunia ya kutukuza. [[SWA]]

In Athonite use this hymn is always read as one of the Gerontika, except when a number of Priests take part in the Entrance.

DEACON (facing the People)


Prokeimenon of the evening.

Jioni prokimeno.

On Saturday evening

Prokeimenon Tone 6.

Zaburi Sauti ya 6.

The Lord is King: He has clothed himself with glory. [EL]

BWANA ametamalaki, amejivika adhama, [[SWA]]

Verse: The Lord has clothed and girded himself with power.

Mstari BWANA amejivika, na kujikaza nguvu.

The Lord is King: He has clothed himself with glory. [EL]

BWANA ametamalaki, amejivika adhama, [[SWA]]

Verse: He has established the world, which will not be shaken.

Mstari Naam, ulimwengu umethibitika usitikisike;

The Lord is King:

He has clothed himself with glory. [EL]

BWANA ametamalaki, amejivika adhama, [[SWA]]

On Sunday evening.

Prokeimenon Tone 8.


Come, bless the Lord: All you servants of the Lord. (twice).

Tazama, enyi watumishi wa BWANA, mhimidini BWANA, nyote pia. Ninyi mnaosimama usiku katika nyumba ya BWANA. (x 2)

Verse: You that stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.


Come, bless the Lord:

Tazama, enyi watumishi wa BWANA, mhimidini BWANA, nyote pia.

All you servants of the Lord.

Ninyi mnaosimama usiku katika nyumba ya BWANA.

On Monday

Prokeimenon Tone 4.

Zaburi Sauti 4.

When I call to the Lord: He will hear me. [EL]

BWANA atasikia nimwitapo.

Verse: Answer me when I call, O God of my justice.

Mstari Ee Mungu wa haki yangu uniitikie niitapo; umenifanyizia nafasi wakati wa shida;

On Tuesday evening.

Prokeimenon Tone 1.

Zaburi Sauti 1

Your mercy, Lord, will follow me: all the days of my life. [EL]

Verse: The Lord is my shepherd, therefore can I lack nothing.

Mstari BWANA ndiye mchungaji wangu, sitapungukiwa na kitu.

On Wednesday evening.

Prokeimenon Tone 5.

Zaburi Sauti 5.

Save me, O God, by the power of your name: And vindicate me by your might. [EL]

Verse: Hear my prayer, O God, and listen to the words of my mouth.

Mstari Ee Mungu, uyasikie maombi yangu, uyasikilize maneno ya kinywa changu.

On Thursday evening.

Prokeimenon Tone 6.

Zaburi Sauti ya 6.

My help comes from the Lord: who made both heaven and earth. [EL]

Verse: I have lifted up my eyes to the hills, from which my help will come.

Mstari Nitayainua macho yangu niitazame milima, msaada wangu utatoka wapi?

On Friday evening.

Prokeimenon Tone 7.

Zaburi Sauti ya 7

O God you are my helper: your mercy will go before me. [EL]

Verse: Deliver me from my enemies, O God, ransom me from those that rise up against me.

Mstari Ee Mungu wangu, uniponye na adui zangu, uniinue juu yao wanaoshindana nami.

Litany of Fervent Supplication




Let us all say, with all our soul and with all our mind, let us say.

Tuseme sisi sote kwa roho yetu na kwa mawazo yetu yote tuseme hivi.



Lord, have mercy.

Bwana, hurumia.



Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, we pray you, hear and have mercy.

Ee Bwana Mwenyezi Mungu wa mababu wetu tunakuomba utusikilize na kutuhurumia.



Lord, have mercy.

Bwana, hurumia.



Have mercy on us, O God, according to your great mercy, we pray you, hear and have mercy.

Utuhurumie, Ee Mungu kadiri ya huruma yako kubwa, tunakuomba utusikilize na kutuhurumia.



Lord, have mercy. (three times). And so after each petition.

Bwana, hurumia. (3)



Also we pray for our Bishop (or Archbishop) N.

Tena tunaomba kwa ajili ya Askofu wetu mkuu (jina)

Also we pray for our President, his (her) government, and all in authority.

Also we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, pardon and forgiveness of sins for the servants of God, all devout and Orthodox Christians, those who dwell in or visit this city and parish, the wardens and members of this church and their families; [and for the servants of God N. & N. (Here the Deacon may name those for whom he has been asked to pray), and all who have asked for our prayers, unworthy though we are.]

Tena tunakuomba kwa ajili ya huruma, uzima, amani, afya, wokovu, ulinzi, msamaha na maondoleo ya dhambi kwa watumishi wa Mungu, walinzi wasimamizi na washiriki wa Kanisa hili takatifu.

Also we pray for the blessed and ever-remembered founders of this holy church, and for all our departed brothers and sisters, Orthodox believers, who have gone to their rest before us and who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord; [and for the servants of God N. & N. (Here the Deacon may name those for whom he has been asked to pray), and that they may be pardoned all their offences, both voluntary and involuntary.]

Tena tunakuomba kwa ajili ya warehemiwa wajengaji wa kanisa hili takatifu, ambao ni kwa makumbusho ya daima ya baba na ndugu zetu wote wa Orthodoksi warehemiwa, ambao wamelala hapa na mahali popote.

Also we pray for those who bring offerings, those who care for the beauty of this holy and venerable house, for those who labour in its service, for those who sing, and for the people here present, who await your great and rich mercy.

Tena tunakuomba kwa ajili yao wanaotenda matendo mema katika nyumba hii takatifu na heshimiwa, kwa ajili yao wenye juhudi, wanaoimba, hata ya watu wote wanaosimama hapa, wakingoja huruma yako kubwa na utajiri.



For you, O God, are merciful, and love mankind, and to you we give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Kwa kuwa U Mungu mrahimu na mpenda wanadamu, na kwako tunatoa utukufu, kwa Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.







Ee Bwana, utujalie, jioni hii tusiwe na dhambi, Wahimidiwa, Ee Bwana, Mungu wa baba zetu, na jina lako limesifiwa na limetukuzwa milele. Amina. Ee Bwana, huruma yako iwe nasi, tunavyokutumaini wewe. Wahimidiwa, Ee Bwana; unifundishe zilizo haki zako. Wahimidiwa, Ee Rabi; unifahamishe zilizo haki zako. Wahimidiwa, Ee Mtakatifu; uniangaze kwa zilizo haki zako. Ee Bwana, huruma yako niya milele; usidharau viumbe vya mikono yako. Sifa ni zako, kukuimbia ni kwako na utukufu ni wako, wa Baba na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele. [[SWA]]

( Amen. )

( Amina. )



Let us complete our evening prayer to the Lord.

Tumalize maombi yetu ya jioni kwa Bwana.

Lord, have mercy.

Bwana, hurumia.



Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by your grace.

Utusaidie, utuokoe, utuhurumie, utuhifadhi, Ee Mungu, kwa neema yako.

Lord, have mercy.

Bwana, hurumia.



That the whole evening may be perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, let us ask of the Lord.

Jioni hii yote iwe kamili, takatifu, tulivu na bila dhambi, tuombe kwa Bwana.

Grant this, O Lord.

Kidhi, Ee Bwana.



An angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask of the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya kuwa na Malaika wa amani, mwongozi mwaminifu, mlinzi wa roho zetu na miili yetu, tuombe kwa Bwana.

Grant this, O Lord.

Kidhi, Ee Bwana.



Pardon and forgiveness of our sins and offences, let us ask of the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya msamaha na maondoleo ya dhambi zetu na makosa yetu, tuombe kwa Bwana.

Grant this, O Lord.

Kidhi, Ee Bwana.



Those things that are good and profitable for our souls, and peace for the world, let us ask of the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya vitu vyema vifaavyo kwa roho zetu na amani ya dunia yote, tuombe kwa Bwana.

Grant this, O Lord.

Kidhi, Ee Bwana.



That we may live out the rest of our days in peace and repentance, let us ask of the Lord.

Kwa ajili ya kumaliza maisha yetu yanayobaki kwa amani na toba, tuombe kwa Bwana.

Grant this, O Lord.

Kidhi, Ee Bwana.



A Christian end to our life, painless, unashamed and peaceful, and a good defence before the dread judgement seat of Christ, let us ask.

Tuombe ili mwisho wa maisha yetu uwe wa kikristo kwa amani, bila maumivu, aibu, tena tuone teto njema mbele ya kiti cha hukumu cha Kristo.

Grant this, O Lord.

Kidhi, Ee Bwana.



Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

Tumkumbuke Maria Mtakatifu kamili, asiye na doa, Mbarikiwa zaidi kushinda wote, Bibi wetu mtukufu mzazi Mungu na bikira daima pamoja na watakatifu wote hata sisi pia wenyewe na kila mmoja wetu na wenzetu wote, hata maisha yetu, kujiweka mikononi mwa Kristo Mungu.

To you, O Lord.

Kwako, Ee Bwana.



For you, O God, are good and love mankind, and to you we give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Kwa kuwa U Mungu Mwema na mpenda wanadamu, na kwako tunatoa Utukufu, kwa Baba na Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.



Peace to all.

Amani kwa wote.

And to your spirit.

Na iwe kwa roho yako.



Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

Tuinamishe vichwa vyetu kwa Bwana.

To you, O Lord.

Kwako, Ee Bwana.

PRIEST (in a low voice)

KASISI (kwa mnong''ono)

Lord our God, who bowed the heavens and came down for the salvation of the human race, look upon your servants and upon your inheritance, for to you, the fearful Judge who love mankind, your servants have bowed their heads and inclined their necks, not waiting for any human help, but awaiting your mercy and looking for your salvation. Guard them at every moment, during both the present evening and the approaching night, from every foe, from every hostile operation of the devil and from vain thoughts and evil desires.

Ee Bwana Mungu wetu, uliyeinamisha mbingu na kuja duniani kwa ajili ya wokovu wa wanadamu; tazama watumishi wako na urithi wako. Kwa kuwa watumishi wako wameinama vichwa vyao na shingo zao kwako,uliye Mungu wa kutisha na mpenda– wanadamu, wakiwa hawatumaini msaada kutoka kwa mtu, lakini wategemea huruma yako tena watazamia wokovu wako. Uwatunze wakati wote tena katika jioni hii na usiku ujao waweze kushinda madui wao wote, vitendo vyo vyote vya shetani, mawazo ya bure na kufahamu uovu.



Blessed and glorified be the might of your Kingdom, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Uhimidiwe na Ubarikiwe, utukufu wa Ufalme wako, wa Baba, na Bwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote, hata milele na milele.



On Saturday evening


Mstari Bwana ametamalaki; amejivika adhama; [[SWA]]


Mstari Kwa kuwa amekaza nchi ili isitikisike. [[SWA]]


Mstari Utakatifu umekuwa nyumba yako Ee Bwana [[SWA]]

Song of Symeon.

Wimbo wa Simeoni.

Now, Master, you let your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your Salvation, which you have prepared before the face of all peoples, a Light to bring revelation to the nations, and the Glory of your people Israel.


Maombi ya Trisaghio.

Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (three times).

Mungu Mtakatifu, Mweza Mtakatifu, Usiyekufa Mtakatifu, utuhurumie. (3)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu. Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for your name''s sake.

Ee Utatu mtakatifu kamili, utuhurumie. Bwana, utusamehe dhambi zetu. Rabi, utuondolee makosa yetu. Mtakatifu, utukaribie na kutuponya magonjwa yetu, kwa ajili ya jina lako.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Bwana hurumia, Bwana hurumia, Bwana hurumia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu. Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Our Father, in heaven, may your name be sanctified, your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. [EL]

Baba yetu uliye Mbinguni; Jina lako litukuzwe; Ufalme wako uje; mapenzi yako yatimizwe, hapa Duniani kama huko Mbinguni. Utupe leo mkate wetu wa kila siku; na utusamehe deni zetu; kama sisi tuwasamehevyo wadeni wetu; tena usitutie majaribuni, lakini tuokoe na yule mwovu. [[SWA]]



For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Kwa kuwa ufalme ni wako, na nguvu, na utukufu, wa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu, sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.

Glory. Both now, Theotokion in the same tone.





( Bless. )

( Ee Padri mtakatifu bariki. )



Blessed is He Who Is, Christ our true God, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Aliye himidiwa Kristo Mungu wetu, daima sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.





Superior or Reader


May the Lord God strengthen the holy and pure faith of devout and orthodox Christians, with his holy Church, unto ages of ages.

Bwana, Mungu imarisha, imani Takatifu isiyo na lawama ya wakristo watawa wa Orthodoksi, na hili Kanisa Takatifu na mji huu, hata milele na milele.

( Amen. )

( Amina. )

Greater in honour than the Cherubim * and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, * without corruption * you gave birth to God the Word; * truly the Mother of God, * we magnify you.

Uliye wa thamani kushinda waheruvi, uliye na utukufu kuwapita bila kiasi waserafi, uliyemzaa Mungu neno, umebaki bila kukuharibu, uliye mzazi-Mungu kweli tunakutukuza we.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu. Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Lord, have mercy. (three times). Bless.

Bwana, hurumia. (3) Ee Padri mtakatifu bariki.

May ( On Saturday evening he who rose from the dead, ) Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure and holy Mother, by the power of the precious and life-giving Cross, through the protection of the honoured, Bodiless Powers of heaven, through the intercessions of the honoured, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostles, of the holy, glorious and triumphant Martyrs, of our venerable and God-bearing Fathers and Mothers, N. [the patron of the church] of Saint N. whose memory we keep today, of the holy and righteous forebears of God, Joachim and Anna, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for he is good and loves mankind.

Yeye ( aliyefufuka toka kwa wafu, ) Kristo Mungu wetu wa kweli, kwa maombi ya Mama yake asiye na doa na asiye na waa, mtakatifu kamili; kwa nguvu ya msalaba wenye thamani na mpaji wa uhai; kwa ulinzi wa nguvu zisizo na mwili waheshimiwa wa mbinguni; kwa maombi ya Yohana, Nabii, mtangulizi na mbatizaji, mheshimiwa na wa sifa; ya Mitume watakatifu, watukufu na wasifiwa; ya mashahidi watakatifu, wasifiwa na washindaji wazuri; ya watawa watakatifu na wacha Mungu; (Mtakatifu wa Kanisa); ya watakatifu na wenye haki Yohakim na Anna; na ya watakatifu wote, atuhurumie na atuokoe, yu Mungu mwema, mrahimu na mpenda wanadamu.



Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy upon us.

Kwa maombi ya mababa wetu watakatifu, Ee Bwana Yesu Kristo Mungu wetu, utuhurumie na utuokoe.









Virgin Mother of God, hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Saviour of our souls. [EL]

Baptist of Christ, remember us all, that we may be delivered from our transgressions: for you have been given grace to intercede for us. [EL]



Pray for us, holy Apostles and all you Saints, that we may be delivered from dangers and afflictions: for in you we have gained fervent advocates with the Saviour. [EL]

Both now.




Lord, have mercy. (x40)

Bwana, hurumia. (x 40)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Utukufu kwa Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu. Sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele. Amina.

Greater in honour than the Cherubim * and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, * without corruption * you gave birth to God the Word; * truly the Mother of God, * we magnify you.

Uliye wa thamani kushinda waheruvi, uliye na utukufu kupita bila kiasi waserafi, uliyemzaa Mungu Neno na umebaki bikira, uliye Mzazi-Mungu kweli, tunakutukuza we.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Holy father, give the blessing.

Bwana, hurumia. Bwana, hurumia. Bwana, hurumia. Ee padri mtakatifu, bariki.



Blessed is He Who Is, Christ our true God, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.

Aliye himidiwa Kristo Mungu wetu, daima sasa na siku zote hata milele na milele.





Heavenly King, establish our rulers: strengthen the faith: calm the nations: make the world peaceful: guard well this holy church: assign our brothers and sisters who have gone before us to the tents of the righteous, and accept us in repentance and confession, as you are good and love mankind.

Ee Mfalme wa mbinguni, imarisha viongozi wetu waaminifu; adilisha imani, patanisha nchi, ipe dunia yote amani; linda hili kanisa Takatifu na mji huu; weka wazazi wetu na ndugu zetu walioaga dunia hii mahala pa walio haki; na kwa uzuri wako na huruma tupokee nasi pia katika kutubu na kuungama kama Bwana mpenda wanadamu.

The Prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian

Lord and Master of my life, do not give me a spirit of sloth, idle curiosity, love of power and useless chatter. ( )

Ee Maulana na Bwana wa uhai wangu, itoe roho yangu katika maisha ya uvivu, usumbufu, tamaa mbaya, pamoja na mazungumzo yasio na faida. ( )

Rather accord to me, your servant, a spirit of sobriety, humility, patience and love. ( )

Niridhie, mstumishi wako, roho ya busara, unyenyekevu, uvumilivu na upendo. ( )

Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults and not to condemn my brother; for you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen. ( )

Naam, Bwana na Mfalme; nifanye kuona makosa yangu, na wala sio kuhukumu ndungu yangu. ( )





Verse 1: To you I lift up my eyes, to you who are enthroned in the heavens. As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master: or as the eyes of a maid toward the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God: until he show us his mercy.

Mstari 1: Nimekuinulia macho yangu, Wewe uketiye mbinguni. Kama vile macho ya watumishi kwa mkono wa bwana zao, kama macho ya mjakazi kwa mkono wa bibi yake; hivyo macho yetu humwelekea BWANA, Mungu wetu, hata atakapoturehemu.

Verse 2: Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we have our fill of derision; our soul has its fill. Mockery for those at ease: and derision for the proud.

Mstari 2: Uturehemu, Ee BWANA, uturehemu sisi, kwa maana tumeshiba dharau. Nafsi zetu zimeshiba mzaha wa wenye raha, na dharau ya wenye kiburi.

On Friday.

Verse 1: God is wonderful in his Saints.

Mstari 1: Mungu ni mwenye kutisha kutoka patakatifu pako.

Verse 2: For the Saints in his land the Lord has done wonders.

Mstari 2: Watakatifu waliopo duniani ndio walio bora, hao ndio niliopendezwa nao.

Verse 3: Blessed are those whom you have chosen and taken; they will dwell in your courts.

Mstari 3: Heri mtu yule umchaguaye, na kumkaribisha akae nyuani mwako.

On Sunday evening.

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure and holy Mother, through the protection of the honoured, Bodiless Powers of heaven, of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostles, N. [the patron of the church] of Saint N. whose memory we keep today, of the holy and righteous forebears of God, Joachim and Anna, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for he is good and loves mankind.

Yeye Kristo Mungu wetu wa kweli, kwa maombi ya Mama yake asiye na doa na asiye na waa, mtakatifu kamili; kwa ulinzi wa nguvu zisizo na mwili waheshimiwa wa mbinguni; ya Mitume watakatifu, watukufu na wasifiwa; (Mtakatifu wa Kanisa); ya watakatifu na wenye haki Yohakim na Anna; na ya watakatifu wote, atuhurumie na atuokoe, yu Mungu mwema, mrahimu na mpenda wanadamu.

On Monday

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure and holy Mother, through the intercessions of the honoured, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostles, N. [the patron of the church] of Saint N. whose memory we keep today, of the holy and righteous forebears of God, Joachim and Anna, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for he is good and loves mankind.

Yeye Kristo Mungu wetu wa kweli, kwa maombi ya Mama yake asiye na doa na asiye na waa, mtakatifu kamili; kwa maombi ya Yohana, Nabii, mtangulizi na mbatizaji, mheshimiwa na wa sifa; ya Mitume watakatifu, watukufu na wasifiwa; (Mtakatifu wa Kanisa); ya watakatifu na wenye haki Yohakim na Anna; na ya watakatifu wote, atuhurumie na atuokoe, yu Mungu mwema, mrahimu na mpenda wanadamu.

On Tuesday and Thursday

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure and holy Mother, by the power of the precious and life-giving Cross, of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostles, N. [the patron of the church] of Saint N. whose memory we keep today, of the holy and righteous forebears of God, Joachim and Anna, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for he is good and loves mankind.

Yeye Kristo Mungu wetu wa kweli, kwa maombi ya Mama yake asiye na doa na asiye na waa, mtakatifu kamili; kwa nguvu ya msalaba wenye thamani na mpaji wa uhai; ya Mitume watakatifu, watukufu na wasifiwa; (Mtakatifu wa Kanisa); ya watakatifu na wenye haki Yohakim na Anna; na ya watakatifu wote, atuhurumie na atuokoe, yu Mungu mwema, mrahimu na mpenda wanadamu.

On Friday

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure and holy Mother, of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostles, of the holy, glorious and triumphant Martyrs, of our venerable and God-bearing Fathers and Mothers, N. [the patron of the church] of Saint N. whose memory we keep today, of the holy and righteous forebears of God, Joachim and Anna, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for he is good and loves mankind.

Yeye Kristo Mungu wetu wa kweli, kwa maombi ya Mama yake asiye na doa na asiye na waa, mtakatifu kamili; ya Mitume watakatifu, watukufu na wasifiwa; ya mashahidi watakatifu, wasifiwa na washindaji wazuri; ya watawa watakatifu na wacha Mungu; (Mtakatifu wa Kanisa); ya watakatifu na wenye haki Yohakim na Anna; na ya watakatifu wote, atuhurumie na atuokoe, yu Mungu mwema, mrahimu na mpenda wanadamu.

[ ] Accept, Lord, the supplication of us sinners, and have mercy on us.

[ ]

[ ] May your mercy, Lord, be upon us, as we have put our in hope.

[ ]

[ ] Eternal your memory, blessed and ever remembered Founders.

[ ]

[ ] Eternal your memory.

[ ]



Anixantaria. On major feasts, and especially at All-night Vigils, the closing verses of the Opening Psalm are often sung to a solemn and protracted melody. The verses are ‘farced’ with short hymns of praise, such as ‘Glory to you, Holy One. Glory to you, Lord. Glory to you, heavenly King. Glory to you, O God. Alleluia’. The singers take up the Psalm from the verse that begins ‘When you open’, in Greek Anixantos sou, hence the name Anixantaria.

Apolytikion. The hymn that precedes the Dismissal (Greek Apolysis). It is the characteristic hymn of the day or the feast, and is often referred to simply as ‘the Troparion of the Day’. It is used at all the offices and at the Liturgy.

Wimbo wa Ufufuo

Aposticha. The series of hymns and alternating Psalm verses which are sung towards the end of Vespers and daily Matins. In Greek stichos means ‘verse’.


Artoklasia. The ceremony of the Blessing of Loaves, or Breaking (Greek klasis) of Bread (Greek artos), that takes place before the Apolytikion at Vespers when there is a Vigil. In many parishes it is nowadays celebrated on important feasts even when there is no Vigil, at Vespers or Matins or even after the Liturgy. The ceremony for such occasions will be found in the bilingual edition of the Divine Liturgy published by the Archdiocese of Thyateira.

The monk whose task it is to see that the singers sing the correct texts in the correct Tone. He also reads the verses of the Prokeimenon and similar texts

Doxastikon. A hymn sung after the short doxology ‘Glory (Greek ‘doxa’) to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit’. It is normally sung to a slower and more elaborate melody than the preceding hymns.

Worn round the neck, which is meaning of the Greek name, it is the Eastern equivalent of the Western stole, the chief difference being that it is always joined down the middle, normally with a series of ornamental studs. It is usually broader then the Western stole. It is the characteristic priestly vestment, worn only by bishops and priests. A priest should not celebrate any service unless he is wearing it.

A convenient word used to indicate those parts of the office which are traditionally read by the Superior, or Elder (Greek Geron, or Geronta). If the Superior is not present they are read by the senior monk present. A visiting priest or important visitor is often asked to read them.

Kathisma. One of the twenty sections into which the Psalter is divided for liturgical purposes. The word is also used for the short hymns that are sung after the reading of each Kathisma at Matins. The word is a Greek word meaning a seat. Each Kathisma is divided into three sections (Greek Staseis).


Menaion From the Greek word for ‘monthly’. The book containing the services for days of the Month. There are thus twelve volumes of the Menaia. For places without a full set of Menaia there exists in both Greek and Slavonic a volume containing general offices for each category of Saint called the General Menaion. The contents of the Greek and Slavonic General Menaia are not quite the same, the Slavonic containing more offices, and texts for a full Vigil for each category of Saint including the Lord and the Mother of God.

A low bow in which the right hand touches the ground. Slavonic poklon. Also used for a prostration.

The Deacon’s stole. It is worn on the left shoulder and sometimes taken across diagonally under the right arm and again over the left shoulder. It is also worn crossed on the back by readers and sub-deacons.

The Eastern equivalent of the Western chasuble. The rubrics direct that the priest is to lower the phelonion, that is to let it fall over his hands, at the moment of the Dismissal. This indicates that the work of the service is over, rather like rolling down one’s sleeves. Russian phelonia often have a row of buttons across the chest so that the front of the vestment can be raised or lowered.

Prokeimenon A refrain from a Psalm, sung together with one or more verses from the Psalm, that normally precedes the Readings at Vespers, Matins and the Liturgy. Originally the whole Psalm was sung, hence the Verse is normally the first verse of the Psalm. It survives every day at Vespers, even when there are no readings. It is the equivalent of the Western Gradual.


A tunic-like vestment, resembling the Western dalmatic, when worn by servers, readers, sub-deacons and deacons. That of bishops and priests more closely resembles the alb, though it is not necessarily white.

Sticheron. A hymn that precedes or follows a verse, in Greek stichos, from the Psalms. At ‘Lord, I have cried’ at Vespers and ‘Let everything that has breath’ at Lauds the stichera follow the Psalm verses; at the Aposticha they precede them.

Theotokion. Most series of hymns end with one to the Mother of God, the Theotokos, and so a Theotokion commonly follows the second part of the short doxology, ‘Both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen’, and is normally sung in the same Tone as the preceding Doxastikon. On Saturday evening, however, the Theotokion at the Entrance is always that of the Tone of the week, regardless of the Tone of the Doxastikon. It is also sung again at Vespers sung on the following Friday. In Russian usage this Theotokion is called the Dogmatic, whereas in Greek the latter name is used for the corresponding Theotokion at Small Vespers.

Wimbo wa Mzazi-Mungu

Typikon. The rules governing the celebration and for combining the different elements of the service. The book containing these rules.

Troparion. Any hymn may be called a Troparion, but the word more commonly indicates the Apolytikion of the day or one of the stanzas of a Canon. Plural Troparia.
